After taken hard drugs, a 400 level student jumped down from three storey building - The People's Voice

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

After taken hard drugs, a 400 level student jumped down from three storey building

By Our Correspondent

A 400 level of optometry student of Abia State University Uturu to jumped down from a 3 storey building and died at the spot yesterday evening.
Report has it that the deceased student took a hard drug known as Colorado and couldn't "contain it".

His friends locked him inside the room and went in search of garri to help him come back to his senses. But he went through the balcony, thinking that he was on the ground floor, jumped down from a 3 storey building (favor lodge) and died immediately.

Please let us continue to teach our children to say no to #harddrugs.

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