Don't monetize traditional titles, group warn Yewa Obas - The People's Voice

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Don't monetize traditional titles, group warn Yewa Obas

By Kuye Moronfolu

 The Chairman of Yewa Youth Alliance  Comrade Adesina Adebowale Dokunmu   made a passionate appeal to Yewa Obas to stop giving traditional or honorary chieftaincy title to Moneybags Politicians.

He made this pronouncement at Idiroko on Wednesday while charting with the executive members of the group i Ipokia Local Government, Ogun State.

Dokunmu disclosure while speaking on the proposed installation of some eminent sons and daughters of the area.

 He said that the entire citizen of Ogun West Senatorial District were not aware of the yardstick used in picking those mention.

    He stated that he feels that socio economic contribution of individuals to manpower in Yewaland should have been a major yardstick and that the chieftaincy titles should have been gone to comprising units ,where all stakeholders would have contribute to the debates on who becomes what zoned to them.    

        "I am of the opinion that this is a sectional things as some key section of Yewaland were not even consider" He rettoted .    

    However he enjoy all yewa sons and daughters to realised that we need to consider the deplorable state of our roads as this is greatly affecting economic development of the area.

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