Tragic fate: On his way to US, Bob-Oseni stopped over at Ikoyi building site, end up under the debris - The People's Voice

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

Tragic fate: On his way to US, Bob-Oseni stopped over at Ikoyi building site, end up under the debris

Tragic fate:  On his way to US, Bob-Oseni stopped over at Ikoyi building site, end up under the debris

By Oluwaseyi Adegboyega

  Mr. Wale Bob-Oseni, a real estate dealer and executive director of African Bureau for Legislative Empowerment, was on his way to the U.S.A when he got a phone call from the owner of Fourscore Homes. 

 He was asked to stop by and check out the ongoing development at Gerard Road, Ikoyi, Lagos state.

 Most unfortunately however, he was never to step on United States soil again as he submitted to cruel fate under the rubbles of the collapsed building.

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