Alafin of Oyo first turn 83 as she celebrate sixty years of marriage - The People's Voice

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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Alafin of Oyo first turn 83 as she celebrate sixty years of marriage

 By Our Correspondent

The first wife of Oba Lamide Adeyemi (Alafin of Oyo) Iya Adodo has celebrating her 60 years of marriage and 83rd years old.

Th Iya Adodo, the first wife of the Alaafin of Oyo. Mama is still live in the palace of His Imperial Majesty and marriage still counting.

 Mama turned 83 years old today. Unlike the girls of nowadays, she suffered with husband and she also has endurance and perseverance. Which can not be compare with this young girl of today.

"No money, No perseverance. For worst for go". 

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