BREAKING NEWS! Yobe is boiling as Islamic terrorist kills christian,burnt Churches - The People's Voice

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Monday, January 24, 2022

BREAKING NEWS! Yobe is boiling as Islamic terrorist kills christian,burnt Churches

By Toyin Yusuf, Abuja

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Abuja branch has advised Nigerian to be praying for Christian in Yola as the Islamic terrorist are now  burnt Churches and many christian were killed for sake of serving Jesus.

Pastor Segun Adio gave the advised on Tuesday morning in Abuja. He said, it's our duty as a brother in Christ Jesus to continue praying to God, our creators to take absolute and total control of this unwanted incidents from our societies.

"Yobe state in Nigeria is boiling now. Churches are being burnt, many christians killed. Please pray even if its 5mins and forward to other people of Faith for intercession". 
Don't ignore.

It's very important for us to Cry to our God against those Islamic Terrorists. He'll hear and heal our land, Nigeria!

 May God Almighty heal our land,  be with families of the departed souls and grant them eternal rest, Amen.

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