UK Govt. Withdraw Licence Of A Nurse For calling Jesus iInstead Of Doing Her Job - The People's Voice

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Saturday, January 29, 2022

UK Govt. Withdraw Licence Of A Nurse For calling Jesus iInstead Of Doing Her Job

By Our Correspondent

 Nigerian-born nurse Omolayo Abayomi has had her licence withdrawn by the UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) because she threw her hands up in the air and begged Jesus for help as a baby she was supposed to be taking care of suffered a heart attack.

In an unfortunate case, Ms Abayomi, 51, appeared to panic when the child who suffered from a chronic lung disease, turned blue and stopped breathing in his cot at home.

Apparently taken aback by the trauma of it all, she called for divine intervention more than 20 times before the boy’s mother told her to shut up.

A disciplinary hearing was told that Ms Abayomi was constantly saying Jesus help him and waving her arms around. It was revealed that she provided wholly inadequate care by leaving the frantic mother to resuscitate her lifeless son, while the father dialled 999.

Ms Abayomi was subsequently found guilty of a string of charges by the NMC at a hearing in central London. During the hearing, Sydney Topping, representing Ms Abayomi, insisted his client’s behaviour had represented no more than a bad day at the office and urged the panel to let her off with a caution but his pleas was rejected.

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