THEY ARE IN YOUR REMEMBRANCE -----Rev. Adeniji tells God's vineyard workers - The People's Voice



Tuesday, February 8, 2022


THEY ARE IN YOUR REMEMBRANCE -----Rev. Adeniji tells God's vineyard workers, pub-4055049956127134, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

By Sakiru Olapade

The General Overseer Of God Is Able Covenant Mission Inc. (Centre of Holiness and Redemption), Rev. Peter Olujide Adeniji has told workers in the vineyard of God that their deeds or misdeeds are being compiled in their remembrance. 

  Rev. Peter Adeniji made the disclosure during his sermon at the 2021/22 Workers rededication and installation service at the church headquarters, Ita Oshin, Abeokuta. 

    The clergy man emphasised that whatever they do either good or bad at any point in time were not  without record for their remembrance. He said what they did concerning the work of God and regarding fellow being last year had been written down with the question that, what do they intend to this year again. 

  Rev. Adeniji, citing as a case study, from the book of Matthew 26:1-8, a woman called Mary from Bethany, a chronic sinner who identified her misdeed in the past and with the aim of rewriting her story went to meet Jesus Christ, the saviour to make amendment without minding the disposition of the Christ disciples towards her action. 

    The minister of God stressed further that as workers working in the vineyard of God, there are certain qualities that are to be exhibited so that both heaven and earth would not regret sparing their lives. 

  He said being workers, their lives must be positively impactful to others and do away from all facet of sins which could hinder them from having good relationship with their maker. 

  Rev. Adeniji, therefore urged the young ones among the workers in the vineyard to take note that they diligently serve God at the time they still possess energy while they are still original, spiritually and physically. Ouoting Apostle Paul, "Who are still young, know how to keep what is of the Lord ".

    The clergy man enjoined workers that the time to rewrite the story of their lives with good deeds just like Mary from Bethany is now, buttressing that their daily lives are being used to write story in their remembrance. 

    He also advised them to be mindful of their attitudes, saying, Christian's journey was not the case of bread and butter, citing the case Moses who chose to suffer with the people rather than enjoy in the King's palace. 

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