Happy easter celebration to all christain - The People's Voice


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Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy easter celebration to all christain

Happy easter celebration, The power of Resurrection that raised Jesus Christ from the dead will dwell in you from today and beyond. 

By the authority of heaven every good thing that is dead in you will receive life. Every lost glory shall receive strength to shine again. 

Everything that needs miracle in life begin to get the touch of Easter. By the power of resurrection, no weapon formed against you shall ever prosper, you are free from all forms of demonic oppressions. 

You shall walk in the favour of God. The presence of God shall appear everywhere you go. 

Your life shall be a living wonder among men. You will have authority over all the powers of darkness. 

Every power of enemy working against the fulfillment of God plans for your life set ablaze. 

You shall receive the grace of supernatural speed, everything you lay your hand upon shall prosper in the name of Jesus Amen. 

🙏 You are indeed set free.Once again Happy easter celebration Seun Adebowale.

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