ADELAND gift out Phones to some youths in Ijebu Igbo - The People's Voice

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Friday, January 6, 2023

ADELAND gift out Phones to some youths in Ijebu Igbo

By Afolasade Owotutu, Abeokuta

 Oluyemi Gbenga Adesegun (ADELAND), House of Representative Aspirant in the last All Progressive Congress (APC) Primary Election, Yesterday put smiles on the faces of Youths in Ijebu Igbo again with a good communication gadgets. 

 We all know how important communication is in our daily life.

 Oluyemi Adesegun (Adeland) surprised Ijebu Igbo APC youth yesterday 29th of December, 2022. a surprise visit and also given out 12 phones to 12 youths across the Six wards in Ijebu Igbo to makes communication more effectives among the youths.

 He also awarded a contract to one of our youth from Oke Sopen (Mrs Obaniwa) and give out some cash to some youths for New Year Celebrations. 

 He promised to continue empowering the party faithful in all aspects within his capacity and he also encourage the youths to keep promoting the party and to give total support to all our Party Candidates from President to House of Assembly.

 He said what paramount most is party victory and urged them to continue supporting the party at all cost. 

According to Mrs. Adenuga Bukola one of the beneficiary from Omen (Ward 03) says "what he received today was a great gift because she has never benefit anything since she joined politics.

 She added, for someone loose out in primaries and still continue to support the party from his/her personal earn. 

She prayed that may Almighty God in his infinite mercies continue to elevate Adeland and pave his ways. 

 The Constituency Youth Leader, Com. Olalekan Arowolo says whenever he come across Adeland he always appreciate God for blessing Ijebu Igbo with a reputable son of the soil.

 He thanked Hon. Oluyemi Adesegun (Adeland) for the full support he has been given the party (APC) most especially the youths.

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