INEC Ogun State is ready for election, as process is free, fast and reliable - REC INEC - The People's Voice

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Sunday, February 5, 2023

INEC Ogun State is ready for election, as process is free, fast and reliable - REC INEC

By Afolasade Owotutu, Abeokuta 

The Resident Electoral Commissioner in Ogun State , Independent National Electoral Commission INEC Ogun State Chapter is fully ready to conduct free, fair and reliable Election in the forthcoming general election in the state. 

Mr Olaniyi Ijalaye who was the resident electoral Commissioner and executive commissioner NCC during the mock accreditation exercise in Abeokuta.

He explained that the mock accreditation exercise took place in twelve centers across the three Senatorial District of Ogun State.

The eligible voters who came out at the polling units in Àbeokuta South and North local government in Ogun Central Senatorial District venues of the mock accreditation exercise first checked their names on the displayed voters register before approaching the polling agents with their voter cards for accreditation.

They were both accredited using the newly introduced Bimodal Voters Accreditation System and on the manual list a process that took a few minutes.

Electorate says the process was more faster and improvement over the previous elections in the country. Believing that Nigeria will soon get it right, if we not relent.

The Monitoring the exercise, Resident Electoral Commissioner in Ogun State Olaniyi Ijalaye and Executive Commissioner NCC in charge of Technical services Ubale Maska described the process as free, fast and reliable.

Encourage Nigeria to collect their Permanent Voters Card (PVC)and troop out cast there votes for the party or candidates of there choice in the polls.

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