Papalanto Annual Oro Festival Commenced On Monday 15 - Sunday 21 May 2023 - The People's Voice

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Papalanto Annual Oro Festival Commenced On Monday 15 - Sunday 21 May 2023

By Our Correspondent

His  Royal Majesty Oba AbdulRasaki Jimoh Famuyiwa Onipapa of Papalanto has announced Monday 15th - Sunday 21 May 2023 for annual Oro Festival in Papalanto and his environment.

This announcement was made by Onipapa in council in a statement signed by Oba Famuyiwa.

He enjoined all the travellers and residents to comply with the community.

 He said, there will be restriction of movement in and around Papalanto from 12midnight to 4:30am each day

Residents, passersby and visitors are strongly advised to remain indoors during this time. The Onipapa-in-Council regrets any inconvenience this may have caused

All individuals should stay at home during this hours Alale ilu papalanto a gbe wa ooo.

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