Teenage Girl Stranded As Kidnappers Abduct 18 Passengers Coming From Lagos, Kill Driver - The People's Voice


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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Teenage Girl Stranded As Kidnappers Abduct 18 Passengers Coming From Lagos, Kill Driver

By Our Correspondent

Unknown gunmen suspected to be Kidnappers on Saturday have attacked travellers coming from Lagos-Benin along Sagamu/Ore/Benni expressway. 

Tragically, they killed the driver of GOU Transport Company and abducted all 18 passengers, causing chaos and prompting onlookers to park their vehicles.

The assailants struck as the driver attempted a U-turn upon spotting them, leading to the fatal encounter.

 Amid the chaos, a teenage girl was left stranded as the gunmen kidnapped her parents and fellow passengers.

 The bus, now abandoned by the roadside, held the passengers who were taken into the nearby bush.

The discovery of the driver’s lifeless body occurred when a sympathizer opened the bus door, unveiling the grim reality of the situation. 

Subsequently, the hoodlums led the remaining passengers into the bush, leaving the young girl behind.

Earlier in Ore, Odigbo Local Government of Ondo State, the GOU bus and other vehicles had made a stopover for a meal.

 The journey resumed towards Benin, culminating in the unfortunate incident on the outskirts of Ore. 

Security operatives were later seen at the scene, questioning the stranded teenage girl, whose parents were among those kidnapped.

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