Afeez Owo is 58 and not 38 - Adeniyi Johnson reply - The People's Voice

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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Afeez Owo is 58 and not 38 - Adeniyi Johnson reply

By Abiola Obadina

Nollywood actor and father of twins, Adeniyi Johnson has tackled his senior colleague and friend, Afeez Owo as he celebrates his birthday today.

The husband of Mide Martins had via his Instagram page, shared photos of himself as he joined the number of celebrities reducing their ages. He revealed that he was celebrating his 38th birthday and instead of 58th birthday.

Expressing my to his Maker, he stated that 38 never looks good on him

I am grateful Lord. +1 38 looks good on me”.

“Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah. Happy 38th birthday”.

Taking to his comment section, Adeniyi Johnson tackled him as he sarcastically stated that the actor and filmmaker had turned 58 and not 38.

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