Embracing Peace and Dialogue: The Path for Youth to Say No to Protest Adesanya Advise - The People's Voice


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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Embracing Peace and Dialogue: The Path for Youth to Say No to Protest Adesanya Advise

By Our Correspondent

All Progressive Congress (APC) Southwest Zonal Women Leader has advised Nigeria Youths to embrace peace and dialogue and that is the path of youth to say no to protest

The advise was made by Hon. Chief Mrs. Yetunde Shakira Adesanya APC South West Zonal Woman Leader on his Twitter account yesterday.

In a world filled with diverse opinions and conflicting ideologies, the youth stand at the forefront of shaping the future. The power they hold to instigate change is immense, yet often misdirected. Instead of resorting to protest as the primary means of voicing discontent, embracing peace and dialogue can pave the way for a more sustainable and constructive transformation.

Youth activism has been a catalyst for social progress throughout history. However, the approach taken can greatly influence the outcomes achieved. While protests may raise awareness and spark immediate action, they can sometimes escalate tensions, leading to further division and conflict.

By choosing to prioritize peace and dialogue, young individuals can foster understanding, empathy, and cooperation among disparate groups. Initiating meaningful conversations, seeking common ground, and engaging in respectful debates can bridge the gap between opposing viewpoints, fostering a culture of inclusivity and unity.

Moreover, embracing peaceful means of advocacy can cultivate long-lasting solutions to systemic issues. By working collaboratively with policymakers, community leaders, and other stakeholders, youth can effect structural change that addresses the root causes of injustice and inequality.

In a world marked by polarization and unrest, the decision to say no to protest and yes to peace and dialogue is a testament to the resilience and maturity of the youth. By championing diplomacy over discord, understanding over outrage, and unity over division, young individuals can carve a path towards a more harmonious and equitable society for generations to come.

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