How I mistakenly signed away Ogun multibillion-naira trade zone to dubious Chinese investors, Ibikunle Amosun confesses - The People's Voice

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

How I mistakenly signed away Ogun multibillion-naira trade zone to dubious Chinese investors, Ibikunle Amosun confesses

By Miracle Okoro, Abeokuta

Former Governor Ibikunle Amosun on Saturday said he was deceived into handing over a free trade facility in Ogun State to an investment group from China, introducing a disturbing dimension to the ongoing legal battle that threatens the depletion of Nigeria’s assets abroad. 

Amosun, governor of the southwestern Nigerian state from 2011 to 2019, admitted in a statement personally signed by him that he didn’t do even a cursory assessment of facts before asking a Chinese team to take over the Ogun-Guandong Free Trade Zone in 2012. 

His decision marked the onset of a protracted legal crisis that led to aggrieved Chinese investors’ recent targeting of Nigeria’s assets in Europe and the United States.

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