Payment of fees to ward/LG arm of Ogun APC is illegal, Yemi Sanusi warn aspirants - The People's Voice

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Payment of fees to ward/LG arm of Ogun APC is illegal, Yemi Sanusi warn aspirants

By Miracle Okoro, Abeokuta

The Chairman of our party, Chief Yemi Sanusi,  has observed with dismay that some people have been asking the LG Chairmanship and Councillorship aspirants to pay certain amount of money into a  designated account of the arm of the party at the local government. 

The Chairman of Ogun State All Progressive Congress APC made this known in a press release issues this evening to stop illegal collection of fees from the aspirants.

He said, I hereby states unequivocally that such person or persons desirious of milking loyal party members by asking them to pay any amount of money shall face stiffer sanctions in line with the Constitution of the party. 

He also encouraged all aspirants to desist from paying any fees to the Ward or LG arm of the party. Furthermore, any  aspirant that is not attended to duly should report such officer to the State Secretariat for necessary actions. 

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