Watch Out !.!!.!!!. Omo Oba Nbo; Kolawole Tijani For Councilor Awowo Ward - The People's Voice

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Watch Out !.!!.!!!. Omo Oba Nbo; Kolawole Tijani For Councilor Awowo Ward

By Miracle Okoro, Abeokuta

It's no more news as the son of the soil decided to change the narrative of Awowo political terrain Prince Kolawole Tijani for Councilor Awowo Ward in Ewekoro Local Government, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Prince Kolawole Tijani is the first son of His Royal Majesty Oba (Dr) Abdul-Gafar Olasunkanmi Tijani Alawowo of Awowo, Owu land, Arole Olowu.

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