Ilaro lost popular business man, wife hours to each other - The People's Voice



Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Ilaro lost popular business man, wife hours to each other, pub-4055049956127134, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

By Kemisola Idowu, Abeokuta 

Double Tragedy struck in the city of Ilaro As the entire town mourning the death of popular business man and wife Alhaji and Alhaja Asiri-Abo hours to each other's. 

The death has been announced of Alhaji (Chief) Sunmola Adebola (Asiri Abo), the Asiwaju Egba of Ilaro-Yewa and his first wife who died some hours to each other on Monday morning, 2nd December, 2024.

 It's a double tragedy and a great loss to the family and Ilaro town as a whole. May their gentle souls rest in perfect peace and Allah grant them Aljanat fridau.

Alhaji Sunmola Adebola and Alhaja Sunmola Asiri-Abo has been laid to rest according to Islamic rite in Ilaro.

May the God Almighty grant Alhaji and Alhaja Asiri-Abo eternal rest and family fortute bear this irreparable lost. Amen 

Inna Lilah Waina Ilehin Rojihuna. 

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